Hello hunter! If you have just discovered BetHunter you may be wondering about the plans and prices offered for using BetOven. Today I’ll tell you all the details so that you don’t have any doubts.
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Before I start telling you about BetHunter’s plans, let me first tell you how the BetOven points system works.. Well, that is indeed what you will buy with these plans, BetOven points.
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ToggleBetOven Points
BetOven points are credits for using the programme, which will be deducted from your winnings.
Let me also clarify one thing for you, BetOven points only serve to make BetOven work and as a way of accounting for the winnings earned by BetOven. Of course, in order for it to work at your bookmakers, you must have deposited money with them first.. There is no point in a bot that automatically places bets if you don’t have the money in the bookmakers to place those bets.
Each BetOven point corresponds to one euro cent in betting winnings.. In other words, if you win on a bet (whether surebet, middle, singlebet or valuebet), for example £5, it will be deducted from 500 points.
If, on the other hand, you lose money on a singlebet, valuebet or wrongbet, the points corresponding to the losses incurred will be added. That is, if you lose (in a singlebet or a valuebet) for example £5, 500 points will be added to your manager.
In this way this lost money will be won in future bets.
By following this methodology, you will be able to continue using BetOven until you run out of points. It is at this point that BetOven will stop placing bets, and you will need to reload. If you don’t know how to make it, you can watch this other video in which I tell you how to do it in a very simple way:
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If you want to check the points you have in your manager, you can see it both in the software itself and on the managers’ website as you can see on the screen.
BetOven plans and prices
Now that you know what BetOven points are and how they work, I will explain each of the plans available at BetHunter, which will allow you to buy BetOven points at different prices, depending on your investment.
There are 3 different plans available:
Basic Plan
The cheapest one is the basic one, it will be your starting point at BetOven and will allow you to start using BetOven investing from £100 up to £1150 with the same profitability, 66%.
Here is an example to help you understand more clearly:
If you pay £100, you will receive approximately 16,000 points in your manager which can be converted into £166 in betting winnings. Until you consume these points, BetOven will continue to place bets and the moment you do so, BetOven will stop placing bets.
If, for example, you pay £500, you will receive approximately 83,000 points in your manager, which you can convert into £830, also with a return of 66%.
What does this mean? Basically, after subtracting your initial investment of £500, you will have a profit of £330.
Elite Plan
The Elite plan is the intermediate plan, a plan that will give you a higher return at a higher price. I recommend this plan if you have already done a previous smaller plan and know how to manage several profiles at the same time.
The starting point of this plan is £1150 up to £2400 with a 100% mismarketability.
Here’s an example to help you understand quickly: if you make a payment to BetOven of £1200, you will have 240,000 points available to place bets, i.e. to win £2400 in bets.
You will have a profit of £1200 after subtracting the initial investment from your earnings.
Expert Plan
And finally the expert plan, the most professional of the three, which starts at £2,400 and upwards,100% recommended for managers of various profiles and who have a good bank to work with.
In this case, by paying £2400 you will receive 600,000 points, which corresponds to £6000 in winnings. In other words, you will have a 150% return on investment. Realising an actual profit of €3,600.
All these points you purchase will be charged to the manager of your choice. And you can use them to work with as many profiles as you want, allowing you to create your own business as a profile manager.
If you no longer wish to use them in the future, you can also transfer them to another manager and trade them freely.
And that’s it! As you can see, BetOven points are created to be used up, and BetOven wins only if you win!
I hope I have solved these doubts, for the rookies, about how BetOven works.
Soy socio de BetOven, ¿cómo hago mi primer pago?
Entra en la web asociada con las credenciales que te hemos facilitado y sigue las instrucciones para realizar tu primer pago.
Once you enter you will see a very simple website with different menus:

To make our first recharge we press the button RELOAD POINTS and add the manager we want to reload.
We choose the payment method we want to use from those available:
- Wire transfer
- Credit card (+2.9% commission)
For large point recharges, we recommend the bank transfer option due to the absence of commission. In this case, you should pay special attention to its concept so that the entire process is carried out automatically.
Here you choose the amount of your top-up, and press the button NEXT and you will see the points earned with that money and BetOven’s commission percentage.

- £100 – £1149
- £1150 – £2399
- £2400 or more
At BetHunter we establish some plans, so that you have a clearer idea of the returns in each section, but as you can see, the number of points you can buy is totally variable.
The points you buy will be the earnings (in euro cents) that BetOven will generate for you before you need to make another top-up.
For example, if the corresponding points are 10,000, you will be buying points to get €100.00 in wagering winnings.
If you have any questions, you can ask our BetHunter support team who will help you with any problem.
Once the payment has been made and your points loaded, you will have full access to BetOven.
In order to start betting, you must enter the BetOven managers website with the user you just created and top up with points:
I’ll give you a hint, your manager’s password by default will always be the same as your Partner’s, I recommend that you change them.

Once inside, you will find a more extensive menu than the previous one where you can carry out a multitude of actions.
Now we will only focus on you CREATE A PROFILE that allows you to make your first surebet. To do this, press the New profile button, enter the name you want and press CONFIRM with the Spain option checked.

This profile will be the one you enter in the BetOven application on your computer along with your user’s password, the one we have advised you to change.

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